A symposium was co-hosted at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry.New!!
The 9th External Seminar of Meta-Aggregates was held
The 8th External Seminar of Meta-Aggregates was held
Yabuki’s (Group A02) paper was published
The 7th External Seminar of Meta-Aggregates was held
Murakami (Group A03 leader) conducted outreach activities for junior high school students
Nakayama (Group B01) conducted outreach activities for high school students
The 6th External Seminar of Meta-Aggregates was held.
Meta-Aggregate Open Symposium was held in Kanazawa.
The 5th External Seminar of Meta-Aggregates was held (joint study session).
X is now open.
We are now recruiting researchers for A03 project (Murakami group).
Our review paper authored by Murakami (Group A03) and Ono (Group A01) has been selected as TopDownloadedArticle in 2022.
Meta-Aggregate Open Symposium will be held in Kanazawa
The 4th External Seminar of Meta-Aggregates was held.
The 3rd External Seminar of Meta-Aggregates was held.
Yabuki (Group A02) was promoted to Associate Professor at Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics, Kumamoto University
A symposium was co-hosted at the 42nd Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Dementia Research.
The 2nd External Seminar of Meta-Aggregates was held.
Pamphlet published